How to see lyrics on Spotify featured photo with logo and graphics

How to see lyrics on Spotify?

Music has the spark to connect people on social media and at our social gatherings, and we all love humming over the lyrics of the songs we love. But we can’t jam to these songs if we don’t understand the words of the songs by listening to them. The demand of listeners nowadays is lyrics.

Spotify has introduced a feature for lyrics to resolve the issue so that fans can connect to the artist’s words more strongly. How to see lyrics on Spotify? Mobile apps, desktops, and TV apps. I have explained each step of connecting Spotify with Alexa on every platform with screenshots.

How to see lyrics on Spotify?

Spotify Lyrics on Mobile (iOS and Android) app

We mostly enjoy our musical sessions or karaoke on our mobile phones. We can see lyrics on mobile apps by following these steps:

Spotify Lyrics on TV app

You can get the lyrics of the songs on your TV apps by following these steps:

  • Open the Spotify app on your TV screen
  • Select the song of your choice
  • Click on Now Playing
  • When it is played, select the Lyrics icon, and these will be shown

Spotify Lyrics on Desktop (PC or MAC) app

We always wonder whether we see the lyrics on Desktops or not. Here’s some good news for you: it is very easy now to enjoy songs with lyrics on Spotify by following these steps:

  • Open Spotify on your desktop browser 
  • Play the required song in the app
  • Enable the Microphone icon in the bar at the bottom
  • Look at the lyrics on the screen

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