How to see your top artists on Spotify | My top spotify artists featured photo with graphics

How to see your top artists on Spotify? My top Spotify Artists

Spotify allows you to check your music preferences and interests and explore more by finding your top artists and songs. Customizing your playlists improves your taste and love for music. You can also find out the artists you have been listening to the most for 1,6 or 12 months.

How to see your top artists on Spotify?

My top Spotify Artists By Spotify Stats

There are multiple methods to see your top artists on Spotify. I have mentioned step by step guides with screenshots on how you can see your top artists.

By Recently played section

  • Tap Home on Spotify.
  • Find the section Recently played.
  • Top artists and songs will be shown that you have been recently listening to.
Screenshot of How to see your top artists on spotify by recently played section

By typing Wrapped in the search bar

  • In the Spotify app, write Wrapped in the search bar
  • The playlist will show Your top songs
  • Your top Spotify artists will be shown that you have been recently listening to
Screenshot of How to see your top artists on spotify by typing wrapped in search bar

By using Stats for Spotify

  • Open the website and log into your account
  • Tap on Top artists
  • Top artists will be shown for the recent month
  • Tap on Save Playlist to save the top tracks

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